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Sarah Staphorst.

You're in safe hands.

Sarah Staphorst is purely focused on delivering great service and is dedicated to her role as our operations manager. Having been in the real estate business for more than 22 years with experience in administration, marketing, operations and sales, she forms an essential part of Acton | Belle Property South West with her unbeatable level of passion for the industry.

With a key focus on getting the best outcome for the team and their clients, Sarah is always committed to helping people through their decision-making process with sensitivity to their needs and individual requirements. A registered sales representative with a detail-orientated approach to her work, she is always upfront and honest, and has an in-depth knowledge of marketing, strategy, administration and contract law, and is always learning and coming across things that are new or evolving.

Sarah is truly enthusiastic about connecting people with property, plus she thrives on the challenge of working with a fast-paced real estate office with a dedicated team of experts. Acton | Belle Property gives her the ability to offer the ultimate customer experience, while working with a well-known brand that has an excellent reputation in the marketplace.

Specialty suburbs.


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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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