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Charmayne Dulley.

Sales Associate, Belle Property Armadale

You're in safe hands.

Charmayne has a genuine passion for property and people and is committed to enabling her clients to make informed decisions. Near a decade of experience with one of the country’s leading architectural practices, Charmayne is knowledgeable in architecture, interior design and construction processes, and brings an innate ability to build and maintain relationships with clients from all walks of life.

She is a passionate local resident with an intimate understanding of the south-east Melbourne property market, having lived in the area for many years. Charmayne enjoys engaging with people and is focused on making the sales process an enjoyable experience for everyone. She is a bright and energetic professional who offers clients the ideal combination of integrity and determination to succeed.

Charmayne is a proud member of the Belle Property Armadale team, having formed an inspiring partnership alongside principal and highly experienced Real Estate Agent, Walter Summons, Together, they're driven to bring the highest standard of client service, local knowledge and premium results to Melbourne’s south-east.

Specialty suburbs.


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