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Brittany McCormack.

Senior Property Manager, Hockingstuart Werribee

You're in safe hands.

“I love meeting new people and building constructive relationships with my customers, as well as ensuring all the properties I manage are treated as if they were my own.”

Beginning her real estate journey in 2019 as a junior receptionist, Brittany McCormack soon transitioned to the rental department, and in the blink of an eye had progressed to the role of Senior Property Manager.

Brittany is a positive thinker who enjoys every moment in life and looks forward to the challenges and rewards that each new day brings.

Diligent, experienced and a genuine role model to all around her, Brittany is a confident property professional who treats her rental providers and renters with equal respect and dignity.

Time to relax, Brittany loves nothing more than a bit of retail therapy and the occasional Pilates class, as well as hanging out with friends and discovering new places to eat.

Specialty suburbs.

Wyndham Vale.
Hoppers Crossing.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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