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Nick Boyd.

Chief auctioneer for Northern Beaches, Belle Property Terrey Hills

You're in safe hands.

With a career spanning over 20 years in the Real Estate industry, Nick Boyd has hands-on experience across all levels and roles in the property industry.

Nick began his career in Real Estate sales with the number 1 office under a global franchise brand, before making the transition to a mentoring role where he honed his skills, building high-performance teams and culture. Nick established a reputation for his unique ability to resonate with the best in the business and contribute significantly to enhancing office revenue and growth.

In 2013, Nick joined Belle Property as the National Performance Coach, guiding franchises and offering strategic one-on-one coaching to principals and high-performing agents with impressive results.

Nick opened his own consulting business in 2016, actively coaching many clients within the Belle Property network, in addition to other Real Estate brands. Nick’s skills, thoughts and ideas were sought after across a multitude of businesses including finance, fitness and FMCG.

With his broad and diverse skill set spanning various industries, Nick returned to Belle Property as Head of Growth in 2018. He has been instrumental in the expansion of the network, today with nearly 180 offices across multiple brands – Hockingstuart, Belle Property, Acton | Belle Property.

Nick is also a highly coveted auctioneer for many of the Belle offices, specialising within the Northern Beaches of NSW.

His skills as an exceptional negotiator and his in-depth knowledge of the business and the Real Estate market enable Nick to deliver powerful insight and guide the network’s leadership. Nick is committed to developing and implementing critical strategies and driving the future growth of the network.

Today Nick strategically leads business growth and provides council to the many people within the network. He helps steer and mentor m&a initiatives and is vital in helping offices navigate every facet of their operations.

Nick prioritises people, performance, process and profit.

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