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Red Hill.

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Just an hour’s drive from Melbourne, a charming country town awaits. Red Hill has quickly become one of the most sought-after suburbs for holidaymakers and residents alike, thanks to its stellar wineries, exclusive restaurant scene, beautiful beaches, large, tree-lined streets, and quality lifestyle. Life here is all about grabbing the good stuff with both hands.


With a population of just 1,009, living in Red Hill offers the perfect place to live for those seeking a more subdued yet sophisticated lifestyle. The town attracts a mix of residents, from young families to retirees. Property options are equally appealing, with tree-lined streets, large lots, and classic timber homes and cottages on the market.

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Your local office.

With a strong connection to our community and a commitment for providing a boutique experience, our aim is to deliver a new level of client service matched by outstanding results. Backed by more than 25 years industry experience, our highly skilled team of property professionals truly specialise in this desirable part of the Mornington Peninsula, and are well supported by surrounding office territories.

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