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Life is laid-back and quiet in Newstead, a Launceston suburb just 5 minutes’ drive from the CBD. Ideal for families, retirees and those looking for a slower pace of life, the easy, breezy ‘burb is well-equipped with shops, schools, doctors, childcare, restaurants and lush green spaces.


This neighbourhood is a buzzing industrial hub, with an eclectic mix of small-scale businesses, local breweries, and retail outlets. Living in Newstead means enjoying the local amenities that buzz all week long, as residents love the unique offering of boutique bars, pubs, and restaurants nestled among the grungy factories-come-fitness studios. The Gasworks precinct serves as the central hub of the suburb, boasting a generous offering of fresh produce, cafés, and restaurants. The heritage-listed Gasometer has been repurposed as part of an urban renewal project, which serves as a local picnic spot and venue for community events. 

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