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Often considered the gateway to the Margaret River Region, you only have to admire rugged Geographe Bay and the pristine beaches to understand why so many families and retirees flock here. Situated 220km south of Perth, you’re far enough from the big city lights without having to sacrifice any of the cosmopolitan delights that Busselton offers.  


Savvy buyers who invested in property decades ago for a steal are now sitting on real estate gold, especially those with a waterfront address. 

Nearby suburbs.


Your local office.

With our total passion for the south-west corner of WA and commitment for providing outstanding service, we at Acton | Belle Property Busselton aspire to deliver the ultimate real estate experience. Together with our partner offices in Bunbury, Dunsborough and Margaret River, we form one of the largest real estate teams in the region, and bring a professional, innovative and established front to the local market.

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