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Stella Patselis.

Senior Property Manager, Belle Property Sandringham
Specialty suburbs
  • Beaumaris
  • Black Rock
  • Cheltenham
  • Hampton
  • Hampton East
  • Highett
  • Sandringham
Specialty suburbs
  • Beaumaris
  • Black Rock
  • Cheltenham
  • Hampton
  • Hampton East
  • Highett
  • Sandringham

You're in safe hands.

Stella Patselis is dedicated to delivering excellent customer service and brings more than 20 years’ industry experience to her role as our Senior Portfolio Manager.

With a purely professional approach, she forms an essential part of our property management team and is highly skilled at working with a wide range of clients across all types of housing. Committed to finding the perfect tenant for each property, Stella has established herself as an honest and trustworthy advisor who is determined to provide the best results for her clients.

Tenants and landlords are always impressed by her warm and friendly attitude and thorough understanding of properties for rent in Bayside and surrounds.

She truly enjoys going above and beyond the call of duty and has established many positive relationships with the people she deals with on a daily basis. Working with Belle Property Sandringham gives Stella the ability to offer a fully comprehensive service as she is aligned with a well-known brand with a great network and a focus on premium customer care.


Specialty suburbs.

Black Rock.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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