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Scott Ellwood.

Specialty suburbs
  • Mosman Park
  • North Fremantle
Specialty suburbs
  • Mosman Park
  • North Fremantle

You're in safe hands.

Scott Ellwood has extensive sales experience which has been developed over an impressive professional career spanning more than 25 years, including nine years selling real estate. Over that time, he has become known as a highly skilled industry professional who consistently delivers successful results well above his clients’ expectations.

Prior to commencing his career in real estate sales, Scott worked in senior management roles for a number of market leading global companies and applies this strong leadership capability and interpersonal skillset to his role. He is a highly successful negotiator who genuinely cares about his clients and the journey that they take together. Scott prides himself on the importance of setting high standards, being accountable and building long term client relationships, which has resulted in an impressive level of repeat and referral business.

Scott brings strong market experience across the Perth Western Suburbs marketplace, selling a wide range of residential properties including family homes, apartments and development sites. He has a genuine appreciation for meeting new people and plays an active role in the community as a past player and current sponsor at the Cottesloe Rugby Union Club, and a former Board Member of the Motor Neurone Disease Association of WA. He thrives in the dynamic and ever-changing environment that comes with working with real estate in Mosman Park and the surrounding area, and being a part of such a quality brand as Acton | Belle Property.

Ranked #48 REB Top 50 Agents WA 2022
REIWA.COM Awards 2021 26-30 Million Dollar Club
ACTON Sales Achievement Awards: Silver & Gold
REIWA Associate Member / Accredited Sales Representative
Licensed Agent Diploma in Property Services


Specialty suburbs.

Mosman Park.

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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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