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Rod Fuller.

Commercial Asset Manager, Belle Property Willoughby

You're in safe hands.

After more than 15 years as a real estate specialist in the Willoughby area, Rod Fuller’s level of experience and local knowledge are among the best in the business. He has lived here for more than three decades and is an active member of the community with an intimate understanding of the property market and an eagerness to help sellers prepare for sale to achieve the greatest possible price.

Rod came into the real estate business after several decades operating a successful electrical and mechanical engineering business, giving him a vast knowledge of the building industry and how it relates to purchasing property. He is a clear communicator and is known as someone who delivers honest advice and consistently achieves above average results.

Rod is recognised as being an easy-going person to deal with. He knows his market back-to-front and has a no-nonsense style that’s especially valued by customers throughout the sales and auction process. Together with the innovative upmarket brand and team culture of Belle Property Willoughby, he is able to offer so much more in terms of experience, service and success.

Specialty suburbs.


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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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