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The power of social and digital media in real estate.

Marketing is a major component of selling any product, and while all businesses can benefit from a strong online and social media presence, when it comes to real estate, the value of social and digital marketing can’t be understated.

In fact, recently social media has become even more vital in buying and selling property. With more people staying at home due to COVID-19, according to digital marketing platform Plezzel, social media use has increased by 16 per cent on Facebook and 12 per cent on Instagram.

Whether you are looking at buying, selling or on the search for a rental property, here is why social media and digital marketing in real estate is so powerful, and how to use it to your advantage.

If you’re selling your property

A report from Ernst and Young shows that Australian’s spend on average 10 hours and 24 minutes engaging online every day – and that was before we were all social distancing on the regular.

“There are 2.5 billion active users on Facebook and around 1 billon people using Instagram every month. If you’re looking to sell your property, it’s essential to incorporate advanced digital advertising into your overall marketing campaign to ensure you’re capturing those eyeballs and keeping your property front of mind,” says Holly Perks, Belle Property Head of Communications and Digital Marketing.

“A sophisticated digital campaign utilises smart audience targeting to attract more buyers in the market and will usually span not only social (Facebook and Instagram), but Google too, ensuring a wider reach across digital channels.”

Sales agents and social media

Sales agents who are active on social media are vital to the success of any property marketing campaign. Sprout Social reports that 77 per cent of real estate agents use social media in some way to connect and communicate with potential buyers – and there’s a good reason why.

“It’s important that if you’re selling, you’re working with an agent who is social media savvy and active on all the right channels,” says Holly.

“If they’re active on social, not only will they have an audience of potential buyers in your area, but more and more people are enquiring about properties through social media. An agent who isn’t using social media may be missing out on these buyers.”

When looking for a sales agent, make sure you also look through their reviews and note how interactive they are in answering questions on Facebook and Instagram posts.

“Have a look at how they showcase their properties on social media, follow their accounts and interact with them yourself. This will give you a good idea of how they will promote your property,” Holly adds.

If you’re looking to buy

More traditional property search tools like real estate portals, focus on inspirational content that is spread over a wide geographic area. This means, content is far less likely to be tailored to you; resulting in more time spent on searching for what you are really looking for.

“To find out market updates or look for properties in your chosen location, it’s best to follow local agents or offices on Facebook and Instagram – especially those who specialise in the type of home you are looking for,” says Holly.

“You will have first access to property listings, any off-market opportunities as well as being able to experience first-hand a local’s guide to the area and the lifestyle it offers.”

For more tips on buying, selling or renting, head to our blog for all our up to date advice.

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