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Lucca Santarelli.

Assistant Agent, Belle Property Parramatta
Specialty suburbs
  • North Parramatta
  • Parramatta
  • Westmead
  • Harris Park
  • Oatlands
  • Oatlands
Specialty suburbs
  • North Parramatta
  • Parramatta
  • Westmead
  • Harris Park
  • Oatlands
  • Oatlands

You're in safe hands.

A natural salesperson who thrives on the challenge of real estate, Lucca Santarelli’s energy, enthusiasm and helpful nature are the perfect attributes to his role as an assistant agent. He is a determined individual who is always looking for solutions to people’s property goals and has a passion for real estate throughout the greater Parramatta region.

Lucca brings a strong work ethic and a great ability to build relationships with a wide range of people. His approachable personality and easygoing nature enable him to inject confidence into everything he does, and he always holds the client’s best interests as a priority. Having grown up in Parramatta, he brings a great knowledge of the area’s lifestyle, property and amenities.

Lucca also enjoys the chance to learn and further develop his professional skills while working alongside some of the best in the business. He is a great asset to the Belle Property Parramatta family and relishes the opportunity to work with such a highly professional and supportive team that provides him with the tools to be his best.

Christopher Sahyoun's team.

Specialty suburbs.


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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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