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Tips from our top BDM

After working as a Property Manager for many years, Lauren Bridges was reluctant to take on the BDM role at Belle Property Dee Why when the opportunity emerged two and a half years ago. 

With a bit of encouragement from her Principal, Lauren did take the plunge and today, she’s Belle Property’s best-performing BDM. Here are her three tips for growth. 

Build an EBU 

Lauren has structured her team in a similar way to a sales agent and has created an Effective Business Unit. This not only frees up Lauren’s time to focus on the things she is best at, it also sets her apart from the competition.

“No-one in my local area has structured their team as an EBU so it’s a real point of difference. Having a strong team support me frees up my time to focus on the things that I am best at – prospecting, signing new business and negotiating on rent.

“My team is absolutely vital to my success. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to carry the numbers we do. Before we built the EBU, I was limited in how much stock I could handle in order to keep my service levels high. Today, we have goals set to bring in minimum 25-30 new business transactions a month.”

Mirror the sales process

Lauren has also mirrored the sales marketing process to ensure her listings stand out from the leasing crowd. 

“I won’t advertise a property for lease without professional photography – that is non-negotiable. We write our copy in the same style as a sales listing and we treat our open homes the exact same way as our sales team does: we put pointers out in the morning, get to the property early, light candles, lights on, put out mentos and brochure packs and create a warm and inviting environment.” 

Get a coach

“I started working with Nick Boyd last year and it has changed the way I do business. I have two kids and work four days a week in the office so managing my time is critical. Nick taught me how to structure my days, I spend 9am-12pm in the office and my afternoons are spent out of the office at appointments. 

“Nick keeps me very task orientated and accountable. I know if I haven’t done something, he’ll be straight onto it. He’s also helped broaden my knowledge and explore new avenues that has really increased my skillset.”

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