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REIP Statement: Belle Property and Hockingstuart support real estate as essential service

The Belle Property network, including Hockingstuart, Belle Property Commercial, Belle Property International and Belle Property Escapes wants to continue to support its clients and communities to buy, sell, rent and manage property during the COVID-19 crisis.

The right to own property is a fundamental human right, and during this time of uncertainty and unease, our communities should still be able to buy, sell, rent and manage property; property which underpins the livelihood and wealth of many Australians.

“We recognise the seriousness of this virus and our offices, staff and employees will comply to the Government sanctions set out by the Prime Minister,” said Peter Hanscomb, CEO of Belle Property and Hockingstuart.

“We want to do our very best to flatten the curve and decrease the spread of COVID-19, however we also wish to continue to service our clients, who rely on us for the sale, purchase and management of property.”

“The property market is still strong and as a group, we have already introduced a number of tools and practices to ensure our customers can safely view, buy and sell property.

“We want to be able to continue to help our clients, including our tenants who may very well require extra support during this time. There are still hundreds, if not thousands of active sale campaigns that also require professionals to finalise for the good of both the buyer and the vendor,” said Peter.

The Belle Property network urges the Government to continue to allow real estate to operate under the current conditions so the industry can have its best chances of economic recovery on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis.

Belle Property has today announced in line with recent Government sanctions that it will be enforcing and following the guidelines across its network including:


  • Enforcing strict physical distancing (i.e. the 1.5m, and 4m2 rule.)
  • Ensuring hand sanitisers are available at all times.
  • Enforcing a “no touch” policy.

Inspecting Property – Property management and Sales

  • Encouraging our customers to undertake first inspections remotely, by the use of Facebook Live, Facetime, or other digital platforms.
  • Ceasing traditional open homes.
  • Ensuring inspections are made by private appointment, with appropriate distancing between individuals.

Property management – ongoing tenancy issues

  • Suspending all routine inspections until further advised.
  • Ensuring tradespeople attending for routine maintenance are properly vetted and adhere to requirements around tenant safety, including wearing gloves and maintaining social distancing.
  • Assisting with the processing of any government assistance for tenants and landlords.

Auctions – from midnight tonight – 25 March 2020

  • Ceasing all in room and traditional auctions.
  • Conducting online auctions – utilising online and digital technology such as Real Time Agent or Facebook Live. Alternatively, phone bidding is also available, or authorities to bid on behalf of another (if applicable to state legislation).

All the above changes will be communicated to our customers to ensure they understand we are still able to support them, while supporting the Government’s efforts to flatten the curve and stop the spread of COVID-19.


* REIP (Real Estate Industry Partners) is a group of the largest real estate brands and groups in Australia. 6,300 offices across all states. Comprising Ray White, Harcourts, C21, PRD Nationwide, Remax, Belle Property, Raine & Horne, Coronis and Place as well as many others including LJ Hooker, who are members rather than shareholders/directors.

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