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Finn Le Moenic.

Sales Associate, Belle Property Mona Vale

You're in safe hands.

Finn Le Moenic makes a great asset to the real estate industry and brings with him a warm, friendly and easy-going personality. As an assistant agent, he has a genuine love for real estate on the northern beaches and is known for his great sense of humour and natural ability to establish relationships easily with buyers and sellers alike.

Since studying finance at university, Finn has gained a strong interest in property values and keeps a keen eye on the market. He also brings two years’ experience in the hospitality industry where he found his passion for providing quality service and skilled communication. A committed team member with a passion for the real estate business, Finn has a great understanding of property sales in Collaroy and Collaroy Plateau and knows its amenities, people and lifestyle really well.

Having the support network and ongoing training that Belle Property Dee Why provide enables Finn to continually improve and stay on top of his game. His energy and drive ensure that he exceeds expectations and make him a perfect fit for the team.

Jo Morrison & Steve Witt's team.

Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agent

Specialty suburbs.

Dee Why.

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