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Tina Bettles.

Principal | Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Maryborough
Specialty suburbs
  • Maryborough
  • Aldershot
  • Bidwill
  • Granville
  • Maryborough West
  • Oakhurst
  • St Helens Beach
  • Tinana
  • Tinana South
  • Yengarie
Specialty suburbs
  • Maryborough
  • Aldershot
  • Bidwill
  • Granville
  • Maryborough West
  • Oakhurst
  • St Helens Beach
  • Tinana
  • Tinana South
  • Yengarie

You're in safe hands.

It’s hard to imagine anyone better qualified than Tina Bettles when it comes to helping people with their property goals on the Fraser Coast. More than just a licensed real estate agent, she brings more than 10 years’ experience as a local specialist and has built a strong reputation as a trusted advisor with natural passion for the industry, as well as a genuine desire to give people the great Australian dream of owning their own home.

Her experience in house relocation and a renovator of multiple homes gives her an important edge, as she knows all sides of the equation firsthand. As a long-term local resident, Tina has an expert understanding of real estate in the Maryborough region and knows first-hand the cultural and natural heritage, great amenities and diverse range of properties for sale in the area.

Tina is truly enthusiastic about connecting people with property plus she thrives on the challenge of providing a premium level of customer care with good old-fashioned honesty, transparency and constant communication. Working with Belle Property gives her the ability to offer the ultimate customer experience, with a boutique brand that has an excellent reputation in the marketplace.

Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

If you require more information please complete the following details

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