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Narelle Waller.

Specialty suburbs
  • Barkers Creek
  • Bendigo
  • Campbells Creek
  • Castlemaine
  • Guildford
  • Harcourt
  • Lockwood South
  • Maldon
  • Mckenzie Hill
Specialty suburbs
  • Barkers Creek
  • Bendigo
  • Campbells Creek
  • Castlemaine
  • Guildford
  • Harcourt
  • Lockwood South
  • Maldon
  • Mckenzie Hill

You're in safe hands.

Constantly delivering high standards of service, Narelle Waller brings an honest and approachable attitude and is committed to being up to date with legal practices and product knowledge. As principal and director across our three offices, she brings more than 20 years of real estate experience to the team, and a willingness to always go above and beyond in order to get the best result.

A great listener who is passionate about the local property market, Narelle is a true all-rounder who oversees our sales, property management, commercial and owners’ corporations. Clients will find that she is always efficient and focused on helping people with their real estate journey. She is also known as a trustworthy property professional who is caring for all parties, no matter if they are vendors, buyers, landlords or tenants.

With Belle Property, Narelle is excited to be part of a new brand for Central Victoria and is determined to use the company’s tools and resources to allow more eyes to focus on the region. She is proud to partner with a premium name in real estate that succeeds on motivation, positivity and encouragement, and raising the bar when it comes to customer service.

Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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