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81 Highfield Road, Lindfield.


Short Term Lease

4 month lease only. Lease will Not be renewed beyond 31 March 2018 This tidy post war home is perfect for a short stay if you are renovating or have just moved to the area. There are two well proportioned bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, plus a third bedroom/study at the rear. Separate lounge and dining rooms and full sized bathroom with bathtub. A laundry out the back offers an additional shower as well as easy access to a second toilet. Also features: * Full brick construction * Polished timber floors throughout * 1.5 car garage * North-East facing backyard ~4 month lease only. Lease will Not be renewed beyond 31 March 2018 Pets allowed Available Now

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Thank you for your interest in 81 Highfield Road, Lindfield NSW 2070. To receive a copy of the contract via email, please fill in your details below.

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Get to know the area.

Lindfield, where the quiet undertones of suburbia meet the rugged beauty of the Australian bush. Situated along Sydney’s prestigious row of North Shore suburbs with highly sought-after schools, an abundance of multi-use green spaces and a strong sense of community, it’s easy to see why Lindfield is on every family’s radar.

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