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209 Lowden-Grimwade Road, Lowden.


Preston Valley Grove Off Grid 154 Acres

Express 28-day sale All offers presented by 4pm 16th September unless sold prior. Attractive picturesque 62.6581 ha of olive grove and pasture lands situated approximately 18 kms from Donnybrook or 15 kms up Ferguson Road from Ferguson Valley. Views from the topmost parts of the farm are reminiscent of a north facing woven field. A comprehensive working farm off grid operation complete with farm manager that has been there for most of the development of this property. First purchased in 2003 as a vacant lot, the current owners have steadfastly developed 2 key integrated enterprises. Well-developed and fenced with good irrigation water supply. Separate to the farm is Olive oil production, processing, bottling, olive tree pruning and harvesting business services through to wholesale supply. A quality Dorper sheep flock production and distribution. Stock, machinery, and Olive business are separate to the land. Sellers Comments: "Currently producing olive oil from a 2100 tree olive grove, irrigated, with its own olive press, mechanical harvester and bottling capacity. Olive operation includes contract harvesting, pruning, processing, and bottling with purchase of additional olive fruit as required for oil sales. Oil production is up to 18,000 litres depending on orders, with processing capacity nominally up to 150 tonnes of olives per season. The olive grove is well established with initial planting in 2003." The grazing system integrates with the Olive grove with mulching and semi organic principles with fertiliser applications and pasture regen work completed annually on a cycle depending on seasons. Business Plant and Livestock; (available separate to Farmland Portion) • Available separately is the Olive business (contract harvest, olive tree pruning, bottling and production of Olive oil, distribution and stock and machinery). Details available separately. • Livestock (Approximately 200 ewe Dorper flock with 6 commercial rams producing prime lambs). • Extensive farm machinery, tools and spares, vehicles including Olive Harvester and extensive olive processing equipment, Olive press, bottling equipment and stock. • Bee Keeping Equipment. • Price structure price guide of the property and business component is available upon request. Homestead: The 3-bedroom homestead commands an impressive position overlooking the workings of the farm grove, sheds, and water system with a bird's eye view of the private entry road. Constructed 14 years ago owner built. Secluded and private, none of this farm can be seen from the Lowden Grimwade Road. The open plan home has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom and runs completely off the grid, but with Wi-Fi NBN internet, irrigated external fire system, rainwater, ducted and reverse cycle airconditioned. The homestead extension and house plans and steel frames are to be left on the farm for the next owner to complete the home to a 4-bedroom 2-bathroom house steel framed with large extended deck/ veranda. Sheds Plant and Water The sheds are well apportioned with each serving a specific purpose including a separate office and kitchen toilet adjoining the main processing centre complete with deck overlooking the lower parts of the farm. The options are for the purchase of the Land, sheds, and buildings inclusive of Off grid Solar system, olive grove and extensive irrigation system. • 10 paddocks and lane ways with sheep yards, all with ring lock fencing and water supply for stock. • Pasture is mostly rye and Clover based grazing sheep inclusive of under grove. • 6 dams in total, some for-stock water and backup irrigation. The main spring fed dam is equipped with irrigation pumps and filtration with independent diesel generator power supply. • Rainwater tanks and pumping to key water supply points, sheds, and house, is also pumped uphill by off grid power and gravity fed back down to various points. • 2100 Olive Tree Grove producing approximately 20-30 tonnes of Olives annually • Power supply is from a hybrid power system consisting of solar / battery / genset stand-alone supply providing 100% of power to the property. The system consists of Solar panels, diesel generator (13kVa), battery bank & inverter with automated control system Irrigation for Olive Grove: 3-phase 45kw generator, multi-stage pump and inline sand media filters. Equipped with flow meter and pressure and flow control. Capable of irrigation to 2100 olive trees. The system is set to irrigate house by a valve change. Water supply direct from 250m3 tank filled by solar pump at spring and solar pump/pipe from property main dam. An incredibly beautiful farm with so many attractive facets, all turn key ready to go currently operating as a business. This is agriculture production with room to grow the business if required with plans to open a cellar door, expand the harvesting, olive pruning and bottling contract business and increase olive oil productions, if required. The sellers have done most of the hard work and offering the options of the farm property with or without the business. The preference is to find a buyer who will look at the farm as a walk-in walk out purchase inclusive of the business component, stock and machinery. Inspections by appointment only and drive by inspections are available.

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Property ID
Property type
Land size
154.0 acre

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