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Steven O'Neill.

You're in safe hands.

Real estate sales requires a helpful, professional approach and a keen focus on customer service, and Steven O’Neill is always too happy to assist. His energy, enthusiasm and strong work ethic are the perfect attributes to his role as a Sales Associate with James Bennett’s team, plus he comes armed with a Bachelor of Business and Commerce, majoring in property.

Steven’s genuine and easy-going personality makes him a pleasure to deal with and he prides himself on his natural ability to develop long-lasting relationships and achieving the best possible outcome. He sees his role as helping and assisting clients in any way he can, with his amazing people skills and friendly approach, that puts everyone at ease during the delicate process of selling a client’s home and negotiating with buyers.

Steven is excited to be working alongside James and the award-winning Belle Property Lane Cove office in the challenging world of real estate in the competitive harbourside market. He is keen to continue to absorb as much about the industry as he can while embracing the team’s premium branding and its reputation as a market leader.

James Bennett's team.

Specialty suburbs.

Lane Cove.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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