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Carol Charkas.

Sales Associate | Executive Assistant, Belle Property Dromana

You're in safe hands.

 Committed, genuine and client focused, Carol helps clients reach their real estate goals. She actively works to represent what is important to her clients, creating lasting relationships built on trust and exceptional customer service. Throughout her career, Carol has had years of experience in a wide range of positions including an executive assistant to the director, sales consultant, business management, and senior sales representative to corporate brand manager roles. Carol's core values are based upon providing great service, strong negotiation skills, professionalism, and ethical practice.

Carol has relocated from the hustle and bustle of Metropolitan Melbourne to the Mornington Peninsula; where along with her 3 children and partner she enjoys the sun-filled sandy beaches, local cafés, and wineries.

Carol also enjoys being part of such a highly professional team and is continually working to enhance Belle Property Dromana’s reputation as the leader for real estate throughout the Mornington Peninsula.

Grant McConnell's team.

Specialty suburbs.

Safety Beach.

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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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