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Peter Starr.

Principal | Auctioneer, Belle Property Double Bay
Specialty suburbs
  • Double Bay
  • Edgecliff
  • Rose Bay
  • Vaucluse
  • Watsons Bay
  • Woollahra
  • Rose Bay
  • Vaucluse
Specialty suburbs
  • Double Bay
  • Edgecliff
  • Rose Bay
  • Vaucluse
  • Watsons Bay
  • Woollahra
  • Rose Bay
  • Vaucluse

You're in safe hands.

Born and raised in the Eastern Suburbs, I started school at Baret Burn (KRB junior school), then Cranbrook, and off to Joeys for six years of boarding school. The time of my life! I still live in the East and think it's the best part of Sydney hands down.

My real estate life as a Commercial Agent, moving into residential in 1991 with an “old school” firm, Martin and Punch at Edgecliff, and I have been doing residential and commercial sales and leasing ever since. I love the variety the combination brings: different properties, different strategies, plus the resulting mix of institutional and high net wealth clients.

I recently went into business with my great friend Alain Waitsman in 2020 starting Belle Property Double Bay. We have built a team of awesome professionals around us that we delight in seeing grow and progress in their chosen careers. I’ve learnt that you can't do everything on your own, and having a team of enthusiastic, passionate and young people around us makes coming to work a pleasure.

I love my golf, played polo for a few years, and feel grateful to have a career that allows me enough time to do just enough of both. Throw in 6 kids and 7 days fill up very quickly!
Professionally I believe I have been blessed with the people and property I get to work with. I was entrusted to sell the suburb of Millers Point for the NSW Government, sales and advisory rolls for the NSW Trustee & Guardian, Permanent Trustees, St. Vincent’s Hospital, NSW Police, and other institutions.

I absolutely love what I do and have no intention of retiring. Talking to people all day, helping them transition in to one of the most important and stressful decisions of their life. What a job!

Specialty suburbs.

Double Bay.
Rose Bay.
Watsons Bay.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Contact me.

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