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Josh Yewdall.

Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Canberra

You're in safe hands.

Knowledgeable and hardworking with an impeccable eye for detail, Josh Yewdall is a highly respected Sales Agent with a reputation for consistently providing unsurpassed service. A valuable member of the Belle Property Canberra team, he offers a thorough understanding of real estate fundamentals and local market trends.

Josh’s successful career has seen him foster an outstanding array of skills. Having worked in a sales and marketing capacity for Allhomes, he knows what drives buyers and what it takes to deliver a successful campaign. He is highly creative and understands the power of branding and marketing for every client wishing to maximise exposure and returns on their greatest asset.

Josh is a local and a true area specialist who brings a combination of enthusiasm, skill and insightful market knowledge to the sale of every home he represents. He treats each property as if it were his own taking pride in every successful sale and enthusiastically sharing his local expertise with each new buyer.

Josh’s high standards of professionalism and desire to be part of an amazing team makes Belle Property Canberra a natural fit for him. He shares the company’s forward-thinking approach that reflects his own personal focus on innovation, technology and systems.


Specialty suburbs.

Canberra CBD.

Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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