Selling your home? Here's how to attract international real estate buyers.

When it comes to selling your home, a good sales agent will expose your home to a broad audience, including international buyers, to secure a premium price for your property. More often, international real estate buyers have the means to drive the property price up, which makes them a desirable audience to reach and market to.
According to the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB), foreign investment into Australia’s property market equated to $13 billion in 2017/2018. And while that figure seems lower than years past, the Australian real estate market is already breaking records in 2021. It is important to highlight that Australia is now an attractive location for new migrants as the Australian reputation has become more desirable due to the management of Covid-19.
International buyers remain a lucrative market, but how can you successfully market your property to them?
Choose the right sales agent
Partnering with a skilled real estate agent who has experience attracting and selling to an international real estate audience, either multi-lingual (or who has an assistant who is) and who presents well on and off-line, is invaluable.
“If you want to get the best result from the sale of your property, then you need to work with an agent who can offer you exposure on an international scale,” says CEO of Belle Property, Peter Hanscomb.
“A major asset to our clients is our relationship with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World (LeadingRE), a platform that exposes Belle Property clients to a truly global audience. Belle Property is the only Australian real estate brand with access to the global platform so having this level of exposure is a major asset to our clients.”
Photography and marketing will be your best friend
To be a standout on an international scale, striking imagery and a robust marketing campaign are key. According to Domain, beautifully shot images create an immediate emotional connection, so it is paramount that photos of the property are professionally shot, are a high standard, and portray the property accurately.
Domain also states that compelling copy and a catchy headline are a huge factor in whether someone clicks on a listing, so engage a professional copywriter who can succinctly highlight the home's features; without skimping on the details. And, often most importantly, use online marketing to its fullest.
“To get the best results, you need a widespread marketing campaign with strong images that highlight the best features of your home. Beautiful imagery, branding and marketing are the things that will make your property stand out when people are scrolling online or flipping through a newspaper,” explains Peter.
Embrace technology
Thanks to technological advances, particularly through Covid 19, which saw the quality and usefulness of virtual showcasing as an integral part of the property journey, sales agents are now more equipped to put property into buyers’ hands anywhere in the world at any time. Use this to your advantage and ensure potential buyers get a thorough overview of your property by providing accurate dimensions, floorplans and aerial shots of the property.
“One of the best features any property listing can have when appealing to an international audience is 3D property tours. This allows your property to be open for inspection at all times, irrespective of the location of the buyer,” says Peter.
Selling the lifestyle
People buy into a lifestyle as much as they buy into the property, and for international real estate buyers, this is no different. A good sales agent will highlight the properties best lifestyle features; living and entertaining areas, landscaped gardens, and views. They should also highlight the local lifestyle; schools, transport, cafés, beaches, parks, etc. This will also ensure that your property grabs the attention of a variety of buyers.
For more information and advice on selling your property, reach out to your local Belle Property office or agents today.