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David Holmes.

You're in safe hands.

Real estate has given David Holmes a truly rewarding career, enjoying the daily interaction with people and the satisfaction that comes from working in an industry that stretches his professional development with so much variety. Originally from Melbourne, he experienced the art of auctioneering first-hand in general auctions, prior to moving into property sales and auctioneering.

David progressed to become the chief auctioneer for LJ Hooker Australia nationally, and ultimately, the owner of Holmes Auctions, a highly sought-after independent auctioneer team working across south east QLD, northern NSW and the ACT. His role as Queensland head of state allows him to continue his passion for property, as well as sharing his knowledge and understanding of the industry.

In addition to being the winner of the 2021 & 2023 Auctioneer of the Year award, David has been a three times finalist, and has called thousands of auctions. He forms an essential part of the Belle Property family, using the company’s reputation for excellence, staff support and high standard of customer service to the benefit of our clients.

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