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Ashleigh Moltzen.

Executive Assistant, Belle Property Lane Cove

You're in safe hands.

A consummate professional with a passion for all things property and more than thirteen years’ industry experience, Executive Assistant Ashleigh Moltzen is the perfect fit for Belle’s high-performing brand. She’s a recent recruit to the prestigious Lane Cove office, and a pivotal member already, with her commitment to excellence second to none.

Absolutely thriving in her current role as the head of support for principal Simon Harrison and his team, Ashleigh is detail-oriented yet always flexible and approachable, making her well suited to the fast-paced and forever-changing world of real estate. She’s also a natural problem solver, energised by the exacting demands of top-tier client care and inspired by the new challenges each day brings.

As a creative and thoughtful person, the aspects of architecture, garden landscaping and interior design inherent to her work are a strong draw, too, as is the opportunity to meet many new people every day and build strong interpersonal relationships that endure for years to come.

Having grown up in Hunters Hill, Ashleigh has an extensive and intimate appreciation of the lifestyle Sydney’s lower north shore has to offer, with her success resting on a foundation of genuine love for the area and community. She made the decision to join Belle based on its reputation for transparent communication, ethical practice and tailored service – all qualities that mirror her own outlook to work and life.

Simon Harrison's team.

Specialty suburbs.

Lane Cove.

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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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