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Ronelle Gersbach.

Principal | Real Estate Agent, Belle Property Armidale

You're in safe hands.

Ronelle Gersbach comes to Belle Property Armidale from a successful 20+-year career in Sydney’s competitive lower north shore real estate market. Working alongside some of the nation’s leading agents, she brings vast experience as a property manager and sales agent and an exceptional professional insight that is well suited to her role, while her open communication, organisational skills and warm personality make dealing with her a pleasure.

Now with a genuine passion for the New England area, Ronelle embraces the challenge that comes with working in the evolving business of real estate in Armidale, Uralla and the surrounding area. She understands the importance of delivering superior service in all aspects of this industry and has a natural ability to build strong and lasting relationships with a wide range of people.

Ronelle is perfect for the relationship-based business of real estate, bringing an ideal blend of experience, honesty and industry knowledge to the table. Her contribution is a vital part of our team’s success, and she is very proud to be a part of introducing the luxury Belle Property brand to Armidale, with all the marketing expertise, resources and excellent culture that it represents. 

Specialty suburbs.


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To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

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