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Angelica Pietrzak.

Specialty suburbs
  • Guildford
  • Fremantle
Specialty suburbs
  • Guildford
  • Fremantle

You're in safe hands.

Angelica Pietrzak is an essential component to Acton | Belle Property Guildford, adding depth, experience and a caring nature to the team. A highly skilled property professional, she draws on her extensive industry background of nearly 20 years to deliver exceptional customer service and market knowledge when it comes to real estate in South Guildford and the surrounding area.

Angelica possesses a rare skillset that few in the industry can claim. She has been involved in many facets of the business with roles in property management, to sales as an executive assistant, then sales and marketing coordinator and now to her current role as a sales executive. Her warm and empathetic approach is especially appreciated by clients and her consistent repeat business and referrals are testament to an impeccable reputation.

She is an extremely self-driven person who gets enormous satisfaction from helping clients accomplish their real estate goals, which has helped her establish enduring connections with clients and business leaders. Angelica joined Acton | Belle Property because she was impressed by the company’s global presence and beautiful marketing and presentation, as well as a commitment to superior service standards. It also helps that the branding is green, which happens to be her favourite colour.

Specialty suburbs.


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