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Belle Property Nundah.

Having already established a strong presence in Brisbane’s inner north real estate market with Belle Property Ascot, Principal Brooke Hawthorne has now expanded the brand’s footprint with the opening of Belle Property Nundah. We fully understand the diverse local demographic and range of properties for sale in the area, and work hard to create an environment of integrity, dedication and superior results.

We give expert advice every step of the way and are always upfront and transparent throughout the process of buying, selling or leasing property throughout Nundah, Northgate and the surrounding suburbs. Our team is dedicated to providing a premium service to our community while delivering positive experiences, all backed by a personalised approach and clear communication.

Belle Property Nundah offers a modern approach that values relationships and connects buyers, sellers, landlords and renters throughout the region with our dedicated sales and property management experts, further enhanced by the prestige marketing and boutique nature of the Belle Property brand.

Our team.

Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agent
Real Estate Agent
Sales Associate To The Karl Garufi Team
Sales Associate To The Jamie Askey Team
Sales Associate To The Brooke Hawthorne Team
Property Manager
Head of Property Management
Senior Administration
Sales Administrator
General Manager
Client Services Manager

Specialty suburbs.


Curious about the value of your home?

To receive a complimentary appraisal, please send a request and an experienced real estate agent will contact you. After understanding your needs, they will guide you through the property evaluation process and answer any questions you may have.  

Belle Property Ascot.

Located in Brisbane's Inner North, Belle Property Ascot's award-winning team of professional and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to delivering a personalised and tailored approach to each one of their clients.

Contact me.

If you require more information please complete the following details


Contact office.

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